CCSSO Releases Restart & Recovery: Considerations for Teaching & Learning
State and local education leaders around the country are tackling the tremendous and urgent task of planning, launching, and sustaining a strong school year in the wake of COVID-19 related school closures.
CCSSO Details Additional Forthcoming Restart & Recovery Resources
As state chiefs across the country work to conduct summer learning programming and planning for the fall, we hear a common refrain: While school may look different, our focus remains the same: Every student receives a high-quality education.
States Partnering with Educational Service Agencies to Increase Capacity, Coherence, and Equity
CCSSO has worked closely with several state education agencies (SEAs) over the past two years to build their capacity to achieve their goals for supporting school improvement in their states.
Restart and Recovery: Teaching and Learning Considerations
Just weeks after CCSSO launched its Restart and Recovery Framework, we have provided critical resources to states and more are on the way.
CCSSO Releases Framework to Assist State Education Leaders in Planning for Restart of Schools
Over the last six weeks, our nation’s more than 132,000 K-12 schools have largely transitioned from a brick and mortar system to one in living rooms, bedrooms and backyards.
CCSSO Celebrates CTE Month
CCSSO Hosts Literacy Summit
American students’ reading scores on national tests have remained mostly stagnant for two decades — but there’s hope that consensus around the best way to teach reading, and new work spurred by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), can make a real difference, one l
Introducing the 2020 State Teachers of the Year
These educators teach in rural, urban and suburban schools, they teach across subject areas including STEM, special education, music and English Language Arts and they are all part of the 2020 cohort of State Teachers of the Year!
CCSSO Joins National Education Groups to Praise the Every Student Succeeds Act
Four years after the passage of ESSA, 10 education groups urged support for America’s schools as states continue rollout efforts to improve them.
Empowering Great Teachers: States Leading to Advance Teacher Leadership
By Teresa Mooney, CCSSO and Catherine Jacques, AIR