(Educator Preparation)

  • April 2013

InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards

InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards 2011 Cover

These new model core teaching standards outline what all teachers across all content and grade levels should know and be able to do to be effective in today's learning contexts.

  • December 2012

Our Responsibility, Our Promise

Our Responsibility, Our Promise Cover

This report is a call to action for chiefs and an invitation to our colleagues, especially members of NASBE and NGA who contributed to this report, and those in educator preparation and others interested in transforming entry into the education profession for teachers and principals to join us in

  • May 2015

Promises to Keep

Promises to Keep Cover

State education chiefs have taken the lead to transform educator preparation across the country. In 2012, CCSSO published Our Responsibility: Our Promise, recommendations for transforming teacher and leader preparation and licensure at a state level.
