CCSSO, in partnership with the National Collaborative on Inclusive Principal Leadership, developed Supporting Inclusive Schools for the Success of Each Child: A Guide for States on Principal Leadership with support from the CEEDAR Center and Oak Foundation.
The CCSSO Inclusive Leadership Webisode Series builds off this foundational resource to showcase resources and promising practices from states and national partners related to advancing inclusive principal leadership in policy and practice. The series covers a variety of topics pertaining to inclusive leadership, including Universal Design for Learning, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, distributed leadership, high-quality IEP development, among others. Please feel free to share these webisodes with your wider networks.
CCSSO Inclusive Leadership Webisode Series: Upcoming Webisodes
CCSSO Inclusive Leadership Webisode Series: Past Webisodes
Arkansas Department of Education- June 13 2PM EST
The Office of Special Education at the Arkansas Department of Education has been encouraging educators to implement inclusive practices to support students who are Individualized Education Plan eligible. Through the work of a cross-divisional team, the state’s Least Restrictive Environment data has improved dramatically. Join CCSSO to learn more about their work and the resources used to strengthen their efforts.
We All Learn Differently- April 18 3PM EST
This webisode showcases The I Am Able Foundation's (IAAF) We All Learn Differently (WALD) campaign. This non-profit, grant-funded initiative is dedicated to creating a positive and accepting middle school community where every student is valued and celebrated for their unique learning style.
The WALD campaign aims to foster inclusivity and acceptance in middle school culture, empowering all students to reach their full potential. It encourages students, educators, and parents to engage with the campaign through various activities, such as watching the WALD campaign video on their website (, using the WALD playbook to facilitate discussions in the classroom, and submitting their own contributions to the website to help break down stigmas and build community inclusion.
Educating All Learners in All Environments- November 2, 3PM EST
As districts, educators, students and families continue to adjust to a variety of learning environments, the needs of students with disabilities must be considered from the beginning. The Educating All Learners Alliance (EALA) is a coalition of organizations committed to resource-sharing and community-building that supports the efforts of the education community to meet the needs of students with disabilities. The webisode will explore the ways EALA is showing the path to what is possible for school leaders by providing curated, searchable resources, access to experts, a library featuring accessibility tools in education technology, examples from the field and exciting new initiatives.
Inclusive Practices in Action, Featuring Poway Unified School District – October 17, 2:30PM EST
This webisode will feature California’s Poway Unified School District’s Inclusive Practices Program. The district began its program with three model schools in 2018 and has since expanded its inclusive practices districtwide with help from the Chapman University’s Thompson Policy Institute on Disability (TPI). In 2021, the district received a California School Board Association’s Golden Bell Award for Special Education. Founded in 2015, Chapman University’s TPI strives to impact policy by reducing barriers that limit access to learning, living and working for individuals with disabilities.
American Occupational Therapy Association - June 21, 2PM EST
Creating an inclusive classroom doesn't have to be overly complicated or technical. Join CCSSO and the American Occupational Therapy Association to learn how school leaders can use existing occupational therapy practitioners to proactively eliminate barriers for all students.
Parents Advocating for Co-Teaching Learning Models- April 18, 2PM EST-
In recent years, parents across the country have witnessed the detrimental effects of learning loss on their children. As a special educator, Jason Allen, national organizing director of the National Parents Union, believes that an effective way to combat this issue is through the implementation of the co-teaching model. Co-teaching is a collaborative teaching practice that provides comprehensive support to students of all abilities. In this webinar, Allen will share how presenting lessons in multiple ways through the guidance of two teachers can help students engage more deeply and retain their newly acquired knowledge.
A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is an effective approach to addressing the needs of students with disabilities. The MTSS framework is based on a strong Tier 1 level of support. This webisode, featuring Steve Goodman, a partner with the Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and a co-investigator with the Integrated MTSS Research Network, will provide considerations for educational leaders to support students within Tier 1.
Inclusive STEM Problem-Solving with EdGE at TERC- March 10, 2PM EST-
This webisode provides educators, specialists, and administrators with examples of teaching and learning tools that help build elementary and middle school students’ computational thinking while supporting the executive function needs of all learners. Learn how you, your school, or your district can use Including Neurodiversity in Foundational and Applied Computational Thinking (INFACT), funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Education Innovation and Research program, to support inclusive STEM problem-solving.
The Impact of Educational Leaders with The Leadership Academy- February 24th at 2pm EST-
In this webisode, The Leadership Academy’s Executive Director of External Engagement Anthony King, Ed.L.D will discuss the organization’s impact on education leaders who work to dismantle the inequities experienced by marginalized student populations. He will also highlight the work of a leader who has focused on transforming the experiences of students with disabilities in New York City by keeping a relentless and strategic focus on data with an equity lens.
The Leadership Academy is a nationally-recognized nonprofit organization that builds the capacity of culturally responsive educational leaders at every level of the system, from the schoolhouse to the statehouse. Now in its 20th year, The Leadership Academy has worked with districts, charter schools, state departments of education, universities and schools across 39 states to transform education systems and create the conditions necessary for all students to thrive.
Intentional Collaboration for Success of Dual-Identified English Learners Served in Special Education- January 12th at 2pm EST-
Supporting the needs and honoring the strengths of dual-identified ELs also served in special education requires multi-faceted collaboration efforts. Join this discussion on how leaders can model collaboration that impacts the classroom.
Using COVID Relief Funds to Support Transition Services for Students with Disabilities-November 15th at 2pm EST-
In this webisode, the Minnesota and Nevada departments of education, along with representatives from the NTACT: C Collaborative will discuss how states are utilizing COVID relief funds to support transition services for students with disabilities. Nevada will discuss how the state utilized funds to support districts and schools to ensure equitable access to career and technical education opportunities for student populations most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Presenters from Minnesota’s departments of education, employment and economic development and human services will discuss how the state is leveraging federal relief funds to better align systems to eliminate barriers among transition services and employment
.Building Inclusive Environments with Washington State - September 22nd at 2pm EST-The University of Washington Haring Center for Inclusive Education, with support from the Washington State Office of Public Instruction, has identified and provided guidance to 16 inclusive model demonstration sites across Washington state. Participants will learn how these public schools have created inclusive structures and systems for every student and how they are working with and encouraging their districts and other districts across the state to implement an asset-based approach to districtwide reform. School leaders from Inclusionary Practices Project (IPP) Demonstration Sites will share their story of building truly inclusive schools where all students thrive and belong.
Innovative Uses of ESSER State Set Aside Funds to Support Students with Disabilities - August 23rd at 2pm EST - State education agencies are using over a billion dollars of ESSER state reserve funding to prioritize support for students with disabilities, by CCSSO’s analysis. This webisode will highlight how Connecticut and DC are leveraging funds to strengthen outcomes for students with disabilities. Featured presenters are Aryka Chapman, Senior Associate at CCSSO; Shuana Tucker and Bryan Klimkiewicz, from the Connecticut State Department of Education; and Elizabeth Ross and Chrissy Weaver-Harris, D.C. Office of the State Superintendent of Education.
Creating Strength-Based IEPs Using the Science of Learning and Development - August 4th at 2pm EST - In this webisode, we will discuss the importance of strength-based IEPs, the connection with learner variability, and the power of recognizing the whole child. Barbara Pape of Digital Promise also will showcase the IEP Project’s teacher template, produced by Digital Promise, the Brooklyn Lab Charter Schools, and a team of expert teachers. Megan Gross, special education teacher and 2017 California Teacher of the Year, will share how she creates strength-based IEPs so that students can meet their potential and beyond.
NORMAL ISN'T REAL: Stories That Tell the Real Story about Neurodiversity - July 18th at 2pm EST - One in five students learns differently is a statistic often used to identify the number of neurodiverse students in any classroom. This webinar will share two real-life stories from the film “NORMAL ISN’T REAL: Succeeding with Learning Disabilities & ADHD” of what that classroom and career experience of learning differently looks like; how it can impact the way students learn and ultimately engage in a career while developing strategies that lead to success - not in spite of their learning difference but because of them.
Krys Kornmeier, the filmmaker; Audrey Bentley, one of the subjects of the film, and Carol Quirk, CCSSO Principal Leadership coach and founder/director of the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education (MCIE) will engage in a conversation focused on understanding the student perspective and how schools and districts have and can engage neurodiverse students in the classroom. Watch the film trailer! (Recording Available Upon Request)
Spending Strategically with COVID Relief Dollars and Beyond- June 14th at 2pm EST - The federal government has invested nearly $190 billion to help K-12 education through the COVID-19 pandemic. This historic short-term funding gives states and school districts an opportunity to better support students with disabilities now and beyond. Melissa Junge and Sheara Krvaric, co-founders of the Federal Education Group, PLLC, discussed COVID-relief spending options for special education with an eye towards sustainability and better coordination among traditional federal funding sources like IDEA and ESEA. Wendy Tucker, Senior Director of Policy for the Center for Learner Equity then also shared creative ways to use these funds to support students with disabilities, incorporating recent federal guidance on educating students with disabilities in the wake of the pandemic.
Nebraska's Journey to Inclusion: Leveraging ESSER Funds to Support Inclusive Education in Classrooms- May 10th at 2pm EST- This webisode highlighted how the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) is working to support local districts and schools with establishing the systems and structures to effectively provide an inclusive education to students with disabilities. Recognizing the opportunity ESSER funds provide states and local districts to reimagine how they serve students with disabilities, the NDE has focused on providing direct support to school system leaders and classroom teachers focused on building the systems and structures for inclusive education. Presenters shared recommendations for how states can set a vision for inclusive education and partner with local districts to scale this vision. Amy Rhone, state director of Special Education at the Nebraska Department of Education, and Jamie Wong, president of SPED Strategies – which has partnered with Nebraska in this work, presented.
Short-Term Strategies and Long-Term Solutions: Supporting Leaders to Address Educator Shortages- April 12th at 2pm EST. This webisode explored “just in time” strategies that school leaders can use to address teacher shortages while investing in long-term solutions to attract, develop, and retain effective educators who are prepared to accelerate learning for students with disabilities. We discussed resources that states, districts, and schools can use to support the implementation and funding of these strategies, including the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) funds. Presenters are Lindsey Hayes, CEEDAR Center, American Institutes for Research and Kelly Acosta, CEEDAR Center, University of Florida.
Using Universal Design to Create Equitable Instruction and Assessments for All Students- February 24th at 3pm EST. This webisode explored the role of universal design in creating equitable classrooms and assessment. Universal design provides a variety of strategies and resources to help meet diverse learning needs, improve accessibility to learning opportunities, and increase student success. The discussion offered perspectives of equity that are inclusive of underserved and marginalized populations, including racially/ethnically and linguistically diverse students, socio-economically disadvantaged students, and students with disabilities. Speakers included Kendall Wilson-Flippin, CCSSO Director of Equity Initiatives; Sheryl Lazarus, Director, Kristin Liu, Assistant Director, and Andrew Hinkle, Education Program Manager of the National Center on Educational Outcomes; and Shawna Benson, Program Director for the Teaching Diverse Learners Center at The Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence.
Keeping the Relationship Front and Center: CADRE Resources to Support Special Education Dispute, January 11th at 2pm EST-This webisode discussed the myriad free resources from The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE) available to states, districts, parent centers and families to improve processes, build relationships, and enhance systems in your state to ensure all students receive the supports they need. CADRE is funded by the Office of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Department of Education to serve as the National Center on Dispute Resolution in Special Education. The presenters include: Melanie Reese, CADRE’s director, and Angela Balsley, president of Indiana Council for Administrators of Special Education.
Lighting the Path to Inclusion: Cultivating Leaders with a Deep Commitment to Students with Disabilities,-This webisode featured exploratory research on the origins of individual leaders' commitments to students with disabilities, a discussion about specific actions that reflected their commitment, and first-person accounts from leaders identified by peers as "Beacons" for students with disabilities. As schools continue working to respond to and recover from the pandemic’s impacts, this timely conversation focused on school leaders committed to learning outcomes for students with disabilities.
Addressing Student Needs with Research-ProvenTutoring Models- Millions of students, including those with disabilities, have experienced interrupted instruction due to school closures and shifts between remote and hybrid learning models. This webisode discussed the role that evidence-based tutoring programs can play within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) to address a range of student needs and accelerate learning for all students and with an emphasis on students with disabilities. Jen Krajewski from ProvenTutoring and Dr. Amanda Neitzel from Johns Hopkins University shared an overview of research-proven tutoring interventions and how they can populate Tiers 1, 2, and 3 in a MTSS. Panelists will include Dr. Anne Sinclair, Chief Learning Officer of Reading and Math, Inc., who shared data and stories from the ground around the implementation of evidence-based tutoring programs and their impact on student outcomes.
Building a Culture of “All” for Inclusive Schools-This webisode highlighted the theory of action, evidence-based design principles, and lessons learned from the All Means All School Leadership Program. The co-founders of the program, Ben Marcovitz and Lindsay Kruse, were joined by two leaders currently in the program who shared how inclusive practices are shaping their schools' ability to serve all students well—and students with disabilities in particular.
Inclusion + Resilience in School Reopening: Building Stronger Educational Opportunities for Students with Disabilities - August 3rd, 2021 at 2pm EST. This webisode highlighted a series of learning recovery briefs recently released by Blue Engine and SPED Strategies, two organizations focused on improving outcomes for students with disabilities. Presenters shared recommendations to design more inclusive instructional programs and more resilient specialized supports as part of continued school reopening efforts. Jessi Brunken, Chief Program Officer at Blue Engine and Jamie Wong, President and Kristi Preston, Vice President of SPED Strategies will present.
Building a Corps for Student Success- July 13th, 2021 2pm EST-This webisode included a discussion on how states, districts, and communities can form a Corps for Student Success to get the right supports to the right students at the scale and intensity required. Topics included ways states and communities can build on existing capacities to provide critical additional “people powered” supports to complement teachers and other school personnel and considerations for students with disabilities in implementing additional supports such as tutoring and student success coaching. Representatives from Tulsa Public Schools and the surrounding community shared how they have created and organized an ecosystem of student supports. They were joined by representatives from the Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins, InnovateEDU, NCLD, and City Year to discuss effective practices and considerations for policy and implementation.
Effective Approaches to Elementary Inclusive Leadership- June 8th, 2021, 2pm EST- This webisode featured the perspectives of principals at the early childhood, elementary, and middle school levels on the realities of being an inclusive school leader. Principals shared strategies, available resources, and the importance of advancing positive outcomes for students with disabilities in their schools. The practicing leaders were joined by Gracie Branch, Associate Executive Director of Professional Learning at the National Association of Elementary School Principals and Sheryl Cowart Moss, Clinical Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at Georgia State University. The discussion focused on the “how to” of inclusive principal leadership in promoting equity for each student and leadership practices for students with disabilities that benefit all students.
The State of the States: National Trends in State Education Agency Guidance on Special Education - May 25th, 2021 at 12pm EST- This webisode highlighted findings from a nation-wide scan of SEA guidance on special education, including the development and implementation of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and the Endrew F. Supreme Court decision, conducted by the PROGRESS Center and CCSSO. Speakers included Sarah Arden, Senior Researcher, AIR, and Knowledge Development Lead, Progress Center; Amy Colpo, Research Associate, AIR; Zelphine Smith Dixon, Division Director for Special Education Services and Supports, Georgia Department of Education; and Kathleen Airhart, Program Director of Special Education Outcomes, CCSSO. The webisode also highlighted Georgia’s work in this area and how the state is leveraging inclusive principal leadership to support high quality special education programming.
Building More Collaborative, Equitable, and Inclusive Classrooms and Schools for Students with Diverse Learning Needs- May 11th, 2021 at 2pm EST- This webisode featured the work of Ability Challenge to support school leaders and general education teachers in redefining improvement in special education through targeted collaboration. Sarah Sandelius explained how targeted collaboration elevates the high-leverage, research-based practices that help all educators work better together to identify, share, and meet student needs in inclusive settings, including during the COVID-19 pandemic. During this webisode, state and district leaders who have supported educators in implementing targeted collaboration had an opportunity to offer input into the Ability Challenge’s offerings for school leaders.
Disproportionate Discipline and COVID-19: A Call for Change- April 13th, 2021 at 2pm EST-Disproportionate discipline of students with disabilities is a long-running crisis, and with the new rules and considerations around COVID-19 the stakes are even higher. This webisode highlighted ways that districts and schools can develop proactive discipline policies that both meet student needs during the pandemic and provide a positive framework for the future. Wendy Tucker and Meghan Whittaker shared practical steps that can be taken as well as facilitate discussion of on-the-ground efforts to date.
PROGRESS Center: Promoting Progress for Students with Disabilities- March 18th, 2021 at 1pm EST- The PROGRESS Center ( leaders, advisors, and practitioner partners shared how the Center’s work promotes progress for students with disabilities by re-envisioning the way local educators develop and implement high-quality educational programming. Dr. David Bateman facilitated a discussion with local educators about their changing roles, use of resources, and needs for a supportive environment to effectively support students with disabilities. The session highlighted PROGRESS Center resources that can support the preparation of local teachers and leaders so we can ensure students with disabilities have access to free appropriate public education that allows them to meet challenging goals.
Improving Reading Outcomes by Strengthening Family-Educator Partnerships- February 9, 2021 at 2pm EST-This webisode focused on Springboard Collaborative's recipe for impacting reading outcomes for PreK-5th graders and an open-source methodology through which teachers and parents team-up to support learning at home. Family-Educator Learning Accelerators, or FELAs, are 5-10-week cycles during which teachers and parents share a game plan to help kids reach reading goals. Alejandro Gibes de Gac, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Springboard, highlighted how schools and districts across the country are leveraging FELAs to support distance learning by bridging the gap between school and home. Wendy McCulley, Executive Director of School Leadership at Fresno Unified School District, Casey Beckner, Principal of Grass Valley Elementary School in Oakland Unified School District (CA) and Kwanza Howard, Assistant Principal at Lindley Academy Charter School in Philadelphia, also joined to share about the impact of the program.
Supporting Students with Intensive Academic and Behavioral Needs During COVID-19- January 12, 2021 at 3pm EST- This webisode featured Amy Peterson and Sarah Benz from the National Center on Intensive Intervention and Veronica Fiedler and Jason Harlacher from the Colorado Department of Education. Presenters shared lessons learned and strategies for supporting educators in the implementation of intensive intervention and how this work has shifted during the pandemic. Additionally, we will highlight resources to support implementation as a result of COVID-19 including (1) a guide co-developed with the Center on PBIS and Integrated Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Research Network, (2) example lesson strategies developed by educators for educators, (3) considerations and resources for data collection, implementation, and engaging parents and families.
Retaining Top Talent through NOLA’s Special Education Leader Fellowship—(December 2020)—In this webisode, Aqua Stovall, Executive Director of the Special Education Leader Fellowship (SELF) based in New Orleans, shared information about the program and how it supports aspiring leaders to increase the instructional skills of both general and special education teachers to meet the needs of students with disabilities, retain top talent, and improve special education programming in partnering schools. Partners Amanda Baram, Director of Special Education, and Amanda Sullivan, Director of Student Support Services, of FirstLine Schools told the story of SELF’s impact from the network and school levels.
Continuing FAPE in the Time of COVID—(November 2020)—This webisode highlighted the importance of meaningful family and community engagement, communication, and co-powerment as effective strategies for ensuring a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for students with disabilities during COVID-19. Denise Marshall and Jennifer Laviano of the the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, Laurie T. Singer of Farmington Public Schools, Connecticut, Cindy Cipoletti and Monica McHale-Small of the Learning Disabilities Association of America, and Carole Clancy of the Pennsylvania Department of Education were the presenters.
Mitigating Learning Loss: Leveraging Teacher Candidates as Assets During COVID-19—(October 2020)—This webisode highlighted the recently released brief Addressing Shortages of Educators in an Uncertain COVID-19 Landscape: Viewing Teacher Candidates as Assets and discussed ways teacher candidates can be leveraged as assets to support teachers during this unprecedented time. Jacqueline Rodriguez of AACTE and Loretta Mason-Williams of Binghamton University were the presenters. Additionally, Lindsey Decker, teacher candidate, Boston Public Schools and Boston University; Min Jen Taylor, Principal, Boston Public Schools; Ellie Friedland, Program Supervisor, Boston Public Schools and Clinical Associate Professor, Boston University; and Davena Jackson, Assistant Professor, Boston University served as panelists.
Leveraging Data to Enable High-leverage Practices for All Learners (October 2020)—During this webisode, state leaders from the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) in DC introduced a multi-tiered systems of support toolkit and data dashboard and how it can be used to support educators in the implementation of high-leverage practices for all learners. Shavonne Gibson, Jennifer Carpenter, Angela Awonaike, and Kelley Scholl of OSSE were the presenters.
Advancing Inclusive Principal Leadership in States (September 2020)—This webisode highlighted states’ work through CCSSO’s Advancing Inclusive Principal Leadership (AIPL) State Initiative. In November 2018, CCSSO launched the AIPL in partnership with the CEEDAR Center and Oak Foundation. Through the AIPL, four states—Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, and Ohio—are implementing plans to further inclusive leadership across the principal pipeline from initial preparation to ongoing practice. AIPL state leaders reflected on their current work.
Now More than Ever: MTSS for School Reentry (August 2020) —This webisode focused on multi-tiered systems and support and its role in school reentry, blended learning, and remote learning heading into the 2020-2021 school year. Steve Goodman of the Michigan MTSS Technical Assistance Center and Hank Bohanon of Loyola University Chicago were the presenters.
Leveraging MTSS Systems to Support the Return of School During and After Crisis (July 2020) —This webisode focused on the how states and districts can utilize a multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) framework in preparing for the return to school with our current normal. Information shared during the webisode is based on a collaborative guidance document from five national technical assistance centers. Brandi Simonson Co-Director, Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports ( and Steve Goodman of the Michigan MTSS Technical Assistance Center were the presenters.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for All: Including Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities (July 2020) —This webisode focused on multi-tiered systems of support for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Sheryl Lazarus, Gale Ghere, and Jessica Bowman of the TIES Center along with education leaders from Washington State were the presenters.
Keeping Inclusivity a Priority, Even at A Distance (June 2020) —This webisode focused on district responses to the closures due to the novel coronavirus and include examples of promising practices to support students who learn differently. Robin Lake and Sivan Tuchman of the Center for Reinventing Public Education (CRPE) were the presenters.
Creating Inclusive Environments In-Person and Online (May 2020)—This webisode focused on the practitioners' perspective of creating inclusive cultures and environments both for in-person and virtual settings as schools across the country are closed across the country due the novel coronavirus. Erin Studer and Adie Buchinsky of The Chime Institute and Amy Hanreddy of California State University, Northridge were the presenters.
Preparing Inclusive Teachers and Leaders for Today's Students (April 2020)—This webisode focused on the preparation of inclusive teachers and leaders including dual licensure programs and include a focus on online preparation as educator preparation programs make shifts due to the novel coronavirus. Jackie Rodriguez from AACTE, Mary Murray, Kimberly A. Christensen, Alexandria Carlozzi, and Zeb Kellough of Bowling Green State University, and Marvin Lynn, Ingrid Anderson, and Molly Baustien Siuty of Portland State University were the presenters.
Strengthening Executive Function Skills: Evidence-Based Opportunities to Support All Learners—(April 2020)—This webisode focused on bolstering school leaders’ knowledge of evidence-based practices to enhance executive function skills for all learners. Holly McCormack of Brain Futures and Dr. Jacquelyn F. Gamino and James Lowry of the Center for BrainHealth, The University of Texas at Dallas were the presenters.
Supporting Inclusive Principals to Strategically Address Educator Shortages (March 2020)—This webisode focused on the principal’s role in recruiting, supporting, and retaining effective teachers of students with disabilities. Lindsey Hayes and Lynn Holdheide of the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders and Ryan Saunders of the Learning Policy Institute were the presenters.
Forward Together: Policies and Practices to Support Students Who Learn Differently (February 2020)—This webisode focused on findings from NCLD’s Forward Together: Helping Educators Unlock the Power of Students Who Learn Differently report and an associated school leader’s guide. Meghan Whittaker of NCLD and Shivohn Garcia of Understood for Educators were the presenters.
Distributed Principal Leadership: Leveraging School-Based Teams for Inclusive Education (January 2020)—This webisode focused on distributive leadership to advance inclusive schools. Sarah Rosenberg, Beulah McLoyd, and Brenda Newman-Sheldon of New Leaders were the presenters.
IRIS Modules: The Principal’s Role in High-Quality IEP Development and Implementation (December 2019)—This webisode focused on the principal’s role in high-quality IEP development and implementation. Naomi Tyler and Tanya Collins of The IRIS Center, Latricia Bronger of the Greater Louisville Education Cooperative, and Deanna Clemens and Steve Prater of the Texas Education Agency were the presenters.
Universal Design for Learning: Advancing Inclusive Leadership to Support All Learners (November 2019)—This webisode focused on universal design for learning. Frank Edelblut, Commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Education, Nikki Norris, a principal from Baltimore County Public Schools, and Bill Wilmot and Allison Posey from CAST were the presenters.
High-Leverage Practices in Special Education: A Professional Development Guide for School Leaders (October 2019)—This webisode focused on high-leverage practices in special education for school leaders. Lynn Holdheide of the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders, Erica McCray, and James McLeskey of the CEEDAR Center were the presenters.
Braided Federal Funding: How Blending Federal Funds Can Advance Inclusive Principal Leadership (September 2019)—This webisode focused on how to blend federal funds to advance inclusive principal leadership. Kathleen Airhart of CCSSO, Sheara Krvaric of Federal Education Group, PLLC, Peter Zamora of CCSSO, and Dean Zajic of the Kansas Department of Education were the presenters.
Preparing Inclusive Principals: Leadership for Inclusive Schools (August 2019)—This webisode focused on inclusive school leader preparation. Amy Farley of the University of Cincinnati, Sheryl Cowart Moss of Georgia State University, and Michelle Young of UCEA were the presenters.
Ensuring an Equitable Opportunity: Providing a High-Quality Education for Students with Disabilities (August 2019)—This webisode focused on CCSSO’s new resource on individualized education programs Ensuring an Equitable Opportunity: Providing a High-Quality Education for Students with Disabilities. Kathleen Airhart of CCSSO, David Bateman of Shippensburg University, and James M. Paul of CCSSO were the presenters.
Inclusive Education: Developing a Common Language Among States (July 2019)—This webisode focused on defining inclusive schools and inclusive principal leadership. Toni Barton of the Relay Graduate School of Education, Kaylan Connally of CCSSO, and Carol Quirk of the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education were the presenters.