Introducing the 2021 State Teachers of the Year

National Teacher of the Year Program logo

When the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the closure of school buildings in March 2020, America’s teachers went the extra mile to keep students learning however possible. They adapted lessons to keep their students engaged while learning about the pandemic, and kept in touch with students however it was easiest for them – including over Snapchat. They dropped pinwheels in preschool students’ yards to brighten their days and mourned the loss of milestone events like prom and high school graduation. And as school buildings began to reopen in fall 2020, they juggled new pandemic safety protocols and worked to keep students and their communities healthy. 

The National Teacher of the Year Program at the Council of Chief State School Officers has honored excellent and dedicated educators for nearly 70 years, and today CCSSO is thrilled to introduce the 2021 class of State Teachers of the Year.   

More on the 2021 cohort is available here

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